Friday, October 1, 2010

Early this morning during a restful sleep I woke to the dull, crackling sound of distant thunder, a sound I have not heard for some time. I appreciate now more than ever how much farmers pay attention to the change in the weather. This past July here in Southern Nevada was the hottest in recorded history. It was all we could do to get the work of planting and weeding done before 10:00am before we were personally cooked out there. Just when I thought things were cooling off in September the thermometer soared back up to 100 plus degrees finding us here at the farm scurrying for cover by noon. I was beginning to wonder if it would ever cool down. Then somehow it happened! Some how the forces of nature knew that it turned October today. I am hopeful that the weather knows the unwritten law that the temperature cannot rise above 100 degrees this time of year! It was as if I was being given a sign early this marvelous morning while hand watering in a few rows. I looked up into the beautiful cloud laden sky and there it was, hidden just a bit in the clouds, here and there fragments of a double rainbow. It was so subtly hidden in the clouds that I might have missed it if I hadn't taken the time to look up. I stopped watering for awhile taking time to enjoy the beauty of it all. Monte and our interns were all at different locations on the farm. I hoped they were able to see the grandeur of the moment. It's moments like this that make July worth while. I love this time of year!!!